Masala Chai

Masala chai (tea) is a rich blend of spices. It has a great aroma and incorporates a distinct flavor of spices and tea leaves. It is very good for colds and coughs.

Ingredients: (For 3 cups of masala chai)

  • 1.5 cups of water

  • 1.5 cups of milk

  • 1 tsp fresh grated ginger

  • whole spices (masala) – 1 stick cinnamon, 2 cardamoms, 5-6 black peppercorns, 5-6 cloves

  • 2.5 tsp tea leaves (for strong tea)

  • 2 tsp jaggery powder (optional)


Put water in the saucepan and add ginger, bring it to a boil.

Crush the whole spices to a coarse powder and add to the boiling water.

Add tea leaves and wait for a min to give it a good boil.

Now add milk and lower the flame. Let it boil for 5-7 minutes so that all the spices give a great flavor to the tea. You may reduce the boiling time if you do not want strong tea and increase it for a stronger flavor. Switch off the flame.

Add jaggery powder if you like sweetened tea. Mix well and strain with a tea strainer. Enjoy the hot and flavorful masala chai!

A quick Quinoa meal

As we all know, quinoa is considered to be a superfood. It is gluten-free, high in fiber and protein content, and has many health benefits. We should try to incorporate quinoa into our daily diet. It’s quick to cook and can be eaten in a variety of ways.

I made this quick quinoa meal with zucchini and red bell pepper. You can add any veggie and lean meat too if you like.


1 cup of uncooked quinoa

2 zucchini cubed

1 red bell pepper cubed

1 onion finely chopped

2 tomatoes finely chopped

1 tsp ginger garlic paste

1 green chili chopped (optional)

1 tsp oregano

1 tbsp chili garlic sauce

1/2 tsp black pepper powder

1 tbsp sesame or olive oil

salt to taste


Wash quinoa well and rinse it. Add 2 cups of water and cook quinoa on high flame first until it comes to boil and then on medium to low flame until it’s fluffy. Should take around 15 minutes.

Heat oil in a pan. Fry onion till it gets a light brown color, then add ginger garlic paste. Stir for a while and add tomatoes. Add salt and let it cook for a minute. Add zucchini, cover the lid and cook for a couple of minutes. Add red bell peppers and the rest of the ingredients. Cook for less than a minute. Add cooked quinoa and stir everything well. Switch off the flame. Your quinoa meal is ready!

Wholegrain oats

The oats are nutritious whole grains and provide various health benefits. They are a natural source of carbohydrates, protein, and soluble fiber. They help lower cholesterol, sugar levels, and help in weight management too. Oats are easy to digest, and pure oats without any contamination are gluten-free.

Oats are great for any meal of the day and much better than other refined cereals. A variety of foods are made of oats like granola, muesli, snacks, dessert, cookies, muffins, savory items, laddoos(balls), breakfast bowls, etc. Home-cooked oatmeal forms a healthy diet as opposed to packaged instant oatmeal.

The above picture shows steel-cut, rolled, quick, and instant oats in order from left to right. Steel-cut, rolled, quick and instant oats are nutritious since all are made from whole oat groats. The oat groats are the whole, unbroken grains in the beginning. The difference between steel-cut, rolled, quick and instant oats are how much the oat groat has been processed. 

Steel-cut oats – These are the least processed oats and are chewy, and have a nutty flavor. These take a longer time to cook.

Rolled oats – These are partially steamed, rolled, and flattened into flakes. These cook faster than steel-cut oats and retain their texture too.

Quick oats – These are pre-cooked, dried, slightly thicker and bigger than instant oats, and cook quickly. They do not retain their texture after cooking.

Instant oats – These are pre-cooked, dried, rolled, and pressed into thin flakes and do not require much cooking. Just soaking in the water or milk is good enough.

Power of Deep Breathing

Mindful deep breathing can make a drastic difference in one’s life. Most health problems occur due to an inadequate supply of oxygen in the cells, thus developing toxins in the body.

Taking a few deep breaths every day ensures enough oxygen supply in the cells resulting in a healthy mind and body. It can be done at any time of the day except after having food.

Breathing in and breathing out should be done slowly and calmly. Expand the belly when you inhale oxygen. Contract the belly when you exhale carbon dioxide.

Some of the great health benefits of deep breathing are –

  • Ensures oxygen supply in the blood cells and improves blood circulation
  • Removes toxins in the body
  • Improves immunity
  • Relaxation of mind and body
  • Help lower the blood pressure
  • Better sleep
  • Improves body posture and alertness
  • Reduces abdominal fat

Practice deep breathing daily and experience an improvement in the overall wellbeing.

Healthy cooking tips – Part 1

Here are some healthy alternatives for daily cooking. Try to incorporate these methods and ingredients for health benefits with no compromise on taste and texture.

  • Replace white sugar with jaggery powder, dates, or honey
  • Use whole grain flour instead of the refined and white one
  • Add millets to your daily meals
  • Use more raw ingredients to cook instead of processed or ready to eat variants
  • Use air-fryer to reduce oil intake
  • Replace microwave cooking with stove-top cooking
  • Steam cook or blanch veggies instead of boiling
  • Use oil-sprays instead of oil whenever possible
  • Replace refined oil with cold-pressed oil
  • Replace fruit juice with fresh fruits
  • Replace butter with ghee
  • Replace deep-fried food with shallow-fried and stir-fried food
  • Do not overcook the food
  • Switch to low-fat alternatives like low-fat milk and yogurt
  • Replace salted nuts with plain ones
  • Replace dried and sweetened fruits with unsweetened ones
  • Wash veggies and fruits in lukewarm water mixed with baking soda to remove any pesticides
  • Use less salt, and sauces while cooking
  • Use more garlic, ginger, turmeric while cooking
  • Use green chilies and crushed black pepper for spice instead of red chili powder
  • Use whole spices and/or ground spices like cinnamon, coriander, cardamom, black pepper, bay leaf, nutmeg, cloves, cumin, mustard seeds, allspice (garam masala) while cooking
  • Replace non-stick cookware with steel and cast-iron ones. Cast iron cookware does not require more oil for cooking if it is seasoned properly. Check this post for cast iron cookware benefits, its seasoning, and maintenance.


Ghee (clarified butter)

Ghee has been used for ages in Indian cuisine. It is widely used in Ayurveda medicinal system for curing different ailments. Ghee is loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants. It is a much better cooking alternative compared to butter and refined oils. While it is important to consume ghee on a daily basis, it should be in limited quantities. Not more than 2-3 teaspoons should be taken daily.

There are numerous health benefits of ghee as given below –

  • Helps in the lubrication of the joints
  • Good for the eyesight
  • Builds immunity in the body
  • Relieves discomfort due to its anti-inflammatory properties
  • Good for skin
  • Aids digestion process
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Improves memory and slows the aging process
  • Can be used in a variety of dishes
  • Great for bones and provides nourishment for the brain

Homemade ghee made with cow milk is the best. It can be made very easily by heating white unsalted butter on a low flame till the milk solids separate and there’s no water content. The clear liquid left behind is ghee. After cooling, store it in a glass container. If it’s not possible to make it at home, buy a good brand made with cow milk, and shouldn’t be near the expiry date.

There are a lot of ways in which ghee can be used. Add a dollop of ghee directly to roti, rice, lentils, veggies, soups, and curries, and enjoy its taste and nutty aroma. This is a preferred way than cooking in ghee as all the nutrients are intact. But since ghee has a high smoke point, it can be very well used for cooking. There are a lot of dishes that taste fantastic when cooked with ghee like sandwiches, veggies, ghee-tempered lentils, a variety of desserts, one-pot recipes, pancakes, non-veg preparations, and a lot more. Include ghee in your daily diet and experience its wonderful benefits. But do take a dietician or doctor’s advice before starting it, if there are any underlying medical issues.

Turmeric latte

Turmeric is a wonder spice known for so many health benefits. Turmeric latte boosts immunity and prevents cold and cough. Have a cup of it daily. Substitute milk with water in case of milk allergies.

  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 tsp fresh grated turmeric or turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp sugar (optional)
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon powder
  • ¼ tsp ginger powder
  • ¼ tsp small cardamom powder

Boil the milk and reduce the flame to low. Add turmeric, sugar, cinnamon powder, ginger powder, and cardamom powder. Mix well and switch off the flame. Sieve the milk with a tea strainer. Sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon powder and enjoy the hot latte!